Tuesday, March 03, 2009

my beloved lizard is DEAD ! YES ! my beloved lizard !!! i accidentaly slammed the drawer , and when my mum opened the drawer , it's head was hanging and dried up : (
goodbye my beloved lizard , no friends visiting , chanting session for you , but i'm gonna use you to scare those sitting beside me :X

HAHA ! i just love sitting in class when i'm bored ! cause bella and zoe will always be the one who will entertain me ! i'll start making stupid noise and look at them , and they will be like " eh what ! not me la . Jinhui bodoh " and i'll return with a " huhhh ?? what have i done " expression .

you know it's fun to be in school , but not when you stepped on mud ! i stepped on mud yesterday ! and there's a reek of odour , thank god i found out early and washed it away , or not people will go around spreading " a sec5 shit on his pants ! "

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