It's 2.17 now . CCA open house has ended .
GUILTY strikes ! i should be in school early in the morning help the other to pitch the tents and setting up the flag stuff , YET ! I'm under my cosy blanket sleeping ... i bet you know how to it feels to be guilty . never mind , the cca open house has ended :)
but surely you can't expect me to cab down now and help them pack up and go for some dumb meeting , that's a NO ! man . i would rather return to my cosy blanket and get some more sleep and that's what i'm thinking of now :)
school nowadays kills me and my brain cells ! it's totally boring and stressful ! we've to prepare for test test test ! and YES ! it's TEST ! BUT it's not some normal test like primary schools , it's those test that will appear on your report book , displaying how well you've done for that particular subject . and it's like when your teacher has just finish teaching on that subject , NO REVISION , NO GOING THROUGH , the minutes he/she steps into the class and announce , 5B there will be a test on this particular chapter tomorrow . imagine how stressful it is !
and and and ! imagine you getting a humanities teacher that teaches you NO LINK STUFFS to your syllabus ? can you imagine that ? I'm not trying to discriminate the teacher , but she really teach no link with what appears on the textbook ! and most importantly , she drags off the topic and starts scolding people , you just need one person to say something wrong that uses up 1-5 sec , and she will start nagging for 1-5 min ! imagine how much time is wasted !?
well JINHUI ! STUDY YOURSELF FOR HUMANITIES THAN ! or not stop complaining !
enough of rantings already . and guess what ! yiwei told me that we'll be getting our pay soon ! i know it's kinda late , well , at least we get it right ... I'm starting to hear the opening and closing of the cashier and the printing of the receipts ! * smiling to himself *